Hero photograph
Year 10 Horticulture class field trip
Photo by Cristina Armstrong

Horticulture field trip

Cristina Armstrong —

On Wednesday last week the Year 10 Horticulture class went on a field trip to Cable Bay. They participated in the Wakapuaka Mouri project part of the Tasman Environmental Trust https://www.tet.org.nz/ the largest restoration project in Nelson. The aim of the project is to re-plant 13 hectares with over 90 000 native plants, with the purpose to increase biodiversity, enhance water quality and reduce sedimentation.

Riley Stoddart — Image by: Cristina Armstrong

The students got involved by helping pot up tī kōuka (cabbage tree) seedlings and learnt how to divide up carex (Native grass like plant). They made a massive effort towards the project as the managed to plant over 1300 plants. It was a fantastic day, they learned horticultural skills, real-life work experience in a nursery and also got to be part of a bigger community project. Ka pai!