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Photo by Victoria University

FAIP Research Survey

FAIP Research Team, Victoria University —

Have you or your child/rangatahi ever been offered the Fire Awareness Intervention Programme? Please take part in this Victoria University survey - all participants will receive a $15 voucher.

We are a team of researchers from the School of Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington who are working with Fire and Emergency New Zealand to understand why rangatahi/young people and their parents/whānau may or may not want to take part in their Fire Awareness Intervention Programme (FAIP).

We are inviting parents/whānau whose child/rangatahi have been offered the FAIP to take part in a research project about this. We are interested in hearing from a range of people about whether or not they, or their child, took part in the FAIP and why.

The research will involve completing a short confidential online questionnaire. All participants will be provided with a $15 voucher as a thank you for their time.

We would also like to talk to rangatahi/young people about why they may or may not have wanted to take part in the FAIP. If you think your rangatahi/young person might be interested in participating in the research you can indicate this at the end of the survey.

This research has been approved by the Victoria University of Wellington’s Human Ethics Committee (Project # 28313).

For more information and to participate in the research scan the QR code in the attached document. Survey open until 28 February 2021.