Duncan McKinlay — May 8, 2020

Nayland students Rosa Stones (pictured),Ryan Brash and Vaughn Birss have been delivering prescriptions to the elderly and unwell people of Stoke during lock down.

The three students, who all work for Hurst & Taylor Unichem Pharmacy in Stoke, took it upon themselves to step up when they were needed most.

Unichem manager Helen Chittenden commended the students on their selflessness during such an uncertain time.

"There was no hesitation from them during the unsettling time of going into lock down, no hesitation to think of their safety first," she said. "Of course we immediately explained to them about contactless delivery and provided them with masks – just in case some issue came up that wasn't planned for!"

Two of the students worked every day of lock down, making sure that those over 70 years old, and those in Ernest Rutherford, Summerset and other care homes received their medicines without having to leave their homes. 

"They worked extra hours and extra days and nothing was a problem for them to do to help out!" Helen said.

Ryan Brash gets ready to do a delivery. — Image by: Supplied

Year 12 student Ryan Brash, certainly noticed that it wasn't business as usual. 

"Covid-19 has meant that more people are staying home and getting medication delivered instead of coming out to get it themselves, so we have been a lot busier with deliveries," he said.

"It's nice to know that I am contributing to helping people during this Covid-19 pandemic,' Ryan said.

According to Helen, the students fulfilled a very urgent need as covering staffing requirements was a challenge.

"I have admired their enthusiasm and work ethic during this time. It has been greatly appreciated at a time when we were told we had to work split shifts so effectively we had fewer staff to cope with the increase in deliveries," Helen said.