Nayland College — Aug 24, 2017

Nayland  College level two and three design students collaborated on an art project with Nayland Primary students to help them recongise the power of their own imaginations and encourage them to pursue their creative potential.

A Nayland Primary parent and a teacher initiated the idea by contacting Diana Maskill, Teacher of Visual Arts at Nayland College.

"The idea was inspired by 'The Monster Project', which is an effort to teach children about creativity and the power of their own minds."

By collaborating with the younger students and finding inspiration from their pictures, the older students aimed to help them recognise the value of their ideas and make them feel excited about the potential of their own minds. 

The project aimed to introduce them to the idea of art as both a valid pathway through school and life, and an exploration of their own special and unique perceptions of the world.

The Nayland College students met with the primary students in term two to discuss their ideas and to collect the drawings done by them.

The design students then recreated their own versions of the initial drawings over the following weeks.  The secondary students were able to gain valuable level 2 credits while creating an inspirational piece of art that all the children enthusiastically received at a presentation on Thursday 24 August.  

"It was worth the effort as all the students have enjoyed the process."
Diana Maskill

Overall it was successful project giving all involved an opportunity for creative exposure and to gain a partial glimpse of others' imaginations and perspectives.