Hero photograph
Photo by Nayland College

Year 9 Institute of Sport high performance camp

Abbe West —

Last week saw our Y9 Institute of Sport class have their three-day high-performance camp here in Nelson.

The days were filled with theory as well as practical sessions and the ‘camp’ culminated with a teams adventure race – SUP Boarding out to Haulashore island and then a land rogaine up, around and over the Tahunanui Hills.

Image by: Nayland College

The ‘camp’ started with a practical in the Physiology lab at NMIT – where we learnt about testing protocols and the power of the heart.

Image by: Nayland College

Our theory sessions focussed on the nutrition, psychology and stretching important for teenage athletes to help ensure not only they are making the best decisions on the ‘court’ but also for their studies.

Image by: Nayland College

F45 and an indoor cycling class, instructed by Miss West, had the class pushing their physical limits and working on the components of fitness they have been learning about in their theory lessons at school.

A great three days where our pupils were able to learn and experience so much right here in Nelson.

Image by: Nayland College

A big thank you to all the staff involved (Mr Geddes, Miss Walker, Ms Townsend) who made our Y9 IOS High Performance Camp as successful as it was.

Ms West

TiC Institute of Sport