Hero photograph
Gum Tree

Firewood available at an unbeatable price! Wed & Thur this week!

Nayland College —

Unfortunately there are some gum trees here that must be cut down due to damage they are causing in our new turf area, but by the same token we have found a great way to benefit our students who are travelling overseas.

Do you have a fireplace?  Do you want the best burning logs to keep you warm in 2019?

Our student Choir Group  and Business Studies are using the fate of our gum trees as a positive.  They are selling the fire wood to fund-raise for their trips school trips to Melbourne & China respectively.

Gum Firewood freshly split (won’t be ready for burning until next year) will be available from the Nayland College top field on Wed 18th April from 12pm - 5pm and all day Thursday 19th 9am- 5.00pm April.

  • $150 per apple bin sized pile (2mx2m). 
  • Come down with your trailer and collect on the day.
  • Cash on day or pay directly into the school bank account 12-3165-0342600-54 Reference Firewood and your name.

If you have any questions please phone 03 547 9769 ext 800.