Hero photograph
Photo by Nayland College

Secondary Schools Special Olympics Football Tournament

Michelle Brown —

On Wednesday 22 June, the Learning Support Centre took two teams to the Special Olympics Football Tournament held at Saxton Stadium.

There were three divisions with our boys and girls teams being placed in Division 1. There were some challenging games but we were pleased to celebrate with the overall results, our girls team came fourth and our boys teams came first! Two of our students (Bella Limmer and James Meech) also received an award for the Most Valuable Player so it was a double celebration!

Image by: Nayland College

All the students had a fantastic day and were great role models for Nayland College with their sportsmanship, manners and giving everything their best. 

Image by: Nayland College

A big thank you to Ben Wright and Laura Phipps who helped support our students with building on their football skills before the tournament and to our other amazing Learning Assistants who attended this event and got involved (Sue Sinclair, Chloe Crichton, Miriam Burgess and Nic Rout).

Image by: Nayland College

“Let me win. But if I cannot win let me be brave in my attempt” (Motto for the Special Olympics)

Some Student Comments:

“I am proud of everyone who participated” – Lachlan

“I liked how I was the goalie with Chloe” – Addy

“I did join in the skills and the last game, it was good” – Tyson

“The skills was fun and then we had the games, we came 4th and the boys team came 1st” – Briana

“I was the most valuable player of the day which was great” – Bella

“Jack did a very good job doing some skills, I was cheering my team and everyone did a good job” – Chayanne