Hero photograph
Photo by Nayland College

Readers Cup

Nayland College —

This year saw Nayland College hosting the inaugural Top of the South Readers Cup event, held in the final week of Term 3. It was organised collaboratively by College Librarians from around the Nelson region schools.

It was an event for Year 9 students and tested their deeper reading knowledge in competitive Rounds of Questions. By the end there was a winning team, who took back the trophy Cup to their school plus some new books of their choice and Gift Vouchers. Prizes were also given to the runner up teams and we had sufficient to be able to give away a book to each of the competitors which was very satisfying for us and well received by the students.

The participating students were all highly motivated and enthusiastic and I would like to say a big Well Done and thanks for your commitment to the Nayland teams. You were stars! And loved the outfits; dressing up is always a bonus.

This would rate as one of the most successful library-initiated events we have had and showcased and celebrated reading for pleasure (and sport)!