Diane Holland — Mar 13, 2020

We are a group run by youth for youth and aim to get young adults involved with local conservation and environmental events. We are keen to reach out to college students letting them know about our group and the various opportunities available: leadership positions on the committee, attending events, volunteer working bees or coming along to the guest speaker evenings at Earth Hub.

We have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/forestandbirdyouthnelson

Website: https://www.forestandbird.org.nz/our-community/forest-bird-youth?fbclid=IwAR2TAFvGPFFQ4Jg9eqLHX6ImEdLeHzyW7aGh1Iys7vTXmDxDqOHFh9rQ3CE

Email: youthnelson@forestandbird.org.nz

Our first event is Saturday 21st March at Natureland and will provide students with the opportunity to speak with staff about the conservation work with south island kaka done at the zoo as well as a bit about the birds themselves. To keep it fun, we will craft enrichments for the birds out of flax and native plant trimmings that will get put into the aviaries for the kaka to interact with. This is a great chance to learn about breed-for-release, avian biology and animal behaviour.

Spaces are limited and entry is cheap (only $5.00 per person) provided they sign up here:
