Subject Selection
2024 subject selection process is now underway. Here's how you can support your child in making important decisions about their courses and future pathways.
Students in Years 10, 11 and 12
The process in which Year 10, 11 and 12 students choose their senior subjects for NCEA study in 2024 is now underway. A range of staff are involved in supporting our rangatahi through this process. Kaiarahi (Tutor Teachers) are issuing information and discussing key aspects of the process with their students. They will be leading Puna Ako lessons over the next two weeks with a focus on enabling students to do some research and ask questions to guide their choices. It is essential that students take a long-term view of where they are heading, by taking subjects which lead into their chosen future pathway or, if they are unsure of this, that they select subjects which are of particular interest to them and which they are good at.
Current Year 10 students moving into their first year of NCEA learning and assessment in 2024, are required to take English, Maths and Science along with three choice subjects. Please take note of a special NCEA information session that will be held on Wednesday 9 August during our Subject Selection Evening (information further below).
Our Careers Advisors will be available to interview Year 11 students during weeks 3 and 4. As these students move into NCEA Level 2 and have no compulsory subjects, it is important that they have carefully considered their options for next year. Year 11 students can request and book an interview themselves via Schoolpoint and Kaiarahi can refer Year 11 students to the Careers Advisors for appointments. Parents and caregivers can also request an interview for your young person. Please email to do this. Careers appointments are also available for any student who would like further guidance around tertiary study or career pathways. Students can contact Alice Scott or Alana Wall to arrange this.
Kaiarataki (Deans) are available over the next two weeks to provide guidance particularly for Year 12 students. Kaiarataki can be contacted via email to arrange this or students can pop in to the student centre.
We ask parents and caregivers to take an active role in the subject selection process by discussing options and encouraging students to think carefully and to consult with the many people at school who are available to guide them – Subject Teachers, Heads of Learning Areas, Kaiarahi, Kaiarataki, Careers Advisors and members of the Senior Leadership Team.
Subject Selection Evening
Our Subject Selection Evening is scheduled for Wednesday 9 August from 5.30pm – 7.30pm. This will begin with an information session on the structure of NCEA in the hall at 5.30pm. This is particularly targeted to parents of students embarking on NCEA for the first time, but everyone is welcome. Subject displays and teachers will be available in Block 2. Maps will be provided. Students and parents are invited to visit Block 2 at any time from 5.30pm - 7.30pm to seek advice and to discuss in detail with Heads of Learning Areas, the various subjects they have on offer.
Students in Year 9
Students moving into Year 10 in 2023 also have some choices to make. We have moved to a modular system for all Year 10 courses, so students will need to select two modules for each of their core subjects (English, Maths, Science, Social Science, PE and Health). They will also need to select their six option module choices. All courses should be selected on the SchoolBridge app or website, and students will be supported to do this during Puna Ako lessons. There is no need for parents of current Year 9 students to attend the Subject Selection Evening.
This year, all course information is available via the SchoolBridge app or website. We recommend that you download this from the IOS or Android app store. Login details are the same as those that you use for the parent portal. As well as viewing subject information, you can use the app to communicate absences with school, view student attendance and achievement, and keep up-to-date with notices and newsletters. Students will be shown how to login and use the app, and how to enter their subject choices for 2024.
The deadline for completing subject selection for all students is Friday 11 August.
Thank you for your interest and support in this important process. Ngā mihi nui.