Hero photograph
Ra Edmonds - Nelson Weekly article
Photo by Sarah Luton

Cawthron Scitec Expo Awards 2021

Sarah Luton —

A massive congratulations to Ra Edmonds, Niklas Wake and Pico Shuttleworth who each won awards at the recent event!

The Cawthron Scitec Expo was held at Founders Park in Nelson on Friday 29 October for students in Years 9-13. A number of Nayland College students took part in the event with the support of some of our amazing science teachers. With over 50 scientists, education specialists, artists and other professionals involved in judging around 250 projects submitted, three of our students did exceptionally well. 

Year 12 student Ra Edmonds has taken part in the Cawthron Scitec Expo in previous years however this is the first year that they have submitted two projects. Ra's research project entitled 'Will We Win?' was awarded one of the 'Supreme Awards' - the 'Albert Jones Award' - for 'Best Research Investigation,' which came with a $500 cash prize along with a trophy as an acknowledgment. This project was also awarded a Gold Science Award, the 'Forest and Bird' award for ‘Best Study for the Protection of Plant, Bird or Animal,’ a $250 cash prize from Soroptimist International (Nelson Branch) for 'Best Investigation by a Female Student in Science,' and a book voucher for the 'Friends of Nelson Haven Marine Conservation Award.'

Ra's 'Will We Win?' project involved analysing 12 years of trapping data from their grandparent's property, looking for trends and assessing the success or lack thereof in trapping. When asked what they learned through this research project Ra replied, "Mostly that trapping alone when surrounded by other properties is not that successful although it does help a bit."

Ra's second project involved adapting a Level 3 biology practical assessment and looking at how periwinkle snails reacted to moving across different textured surfaces. This project was awarded a Silver Science Award which came with a $75 cash prize.

When asked how they felt about the results Ra replied, "I'm very happy and very surprised to have won so much!" You can read more about Ra's project and hopes for the future in the recent Nelson Weekly article written by Erin Bradock: https://nelsonapp.co.nz/news/young-scientists-shine-at-cawthron-scitec-expo

Two Year 13 students also took home awards:

  • Pico Shuttleworth won $50 and a Bronze Science Award for his project on genetic transfer, selective breeding and implications. He also won a further cash prize and Bronze Science Award for his project entitled 'Daphnia Magna & Phototaxis.'
  • Niklas Wake took home a $75 cash prize and a Silver Science Award for his project entitled 'Off the Scale Genetics!'

A full list of all prizewinners can be found here

Well done Ra, Pico and Niklas!

To read more about the expo, click here: https://www.cawthron.org.nz/our-news/future-scientists-impress-at-cawthron-scitec-expo/