Hero photograph
Photo by Sera King

Friday Five

Sera King —

It's that time of the week again. This edition sees us having a chat with Nayland technology teacher Natasha Cardwell.

How long have you been teaching and how long have you been at Nayland College?

19 years teaching. 41/2 at Tapawera area school and 14 years at Nayland college.

What are your passions and areas of expertise?

Watching students designing and creating things that are innovative and have been well thought-out and tested. Seeing students pushing their boundaries to step outside their comfort zone and let go of the known and mundane. Preparing students for life and their future that will require them to be adaptive creative problem-solving thinkers.The technological design process is a real world skill.

Personally for me, being creative is essential. I enjoy it in all forms: painting, drawing, making jewellery, glass art and cooking.

Traveling and seeing other countries is exciting but also reminds me of how privileged and lucky we are to live here in New Zealand.

Who or what has inspired you on your own learning journey?

Studying art and then specialising in wood-turning and warm glass. Materials and colour are inspirational in terms of creativity for me.

Wanting to be the best teacher I can be to get the best results from my students. This is a huge driving force in my daily life.

Other teachers are inspirational and I continue to learn so much from them. Learning is definitely a lifelong endeavour and it is essential to keep the brain active.

What is your favorite thing about the school?

The relationships with both students and staff. The caring and supportive environment that is the heart of Nayland.

What are your ambitions for the future?

I want to travel and see more of Asia, especially​ Japan. I hope to spend a year living and possibly teaching in Australia, closer to family. Do more art and be more creative.