Hero photograph
Verity Davidsen
Photo by Nayland College

High-flying theatre buff joins performing arts team

Sera King - Media & Publicity —

Here we are at the end of Term 3 and it’s time to welcome another staff member to the Nayland family. Drama, dance and social studies teacher Verity Davidson joined us at the beginning of the term after making her move across to the Mainland.

Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, Ms Davidson has been teaching drama for the last 30 years. She joins us after teaching at Baradene College in Auckland for the last 13 years where she was the head of the performing arts faculty.

After graduating from university, Ms Davidson spent time working in the theatre. She puts this experience down to the high expectations she has for what her students can achieve. “I do have high expectations in terms of performance. I do expect my students to reach almost a professional standard, so that can be hard but I don’t really want to compromise on that,” she said.

Verity Davidson is passionate about the role of drama in education and would love to see all students doing drama right through their school years. “I think it sets you up for every career there is, pretty much, because it’s all about working with people, it’s all about interacting.”

So far Ms Davidson is enjoying her time in Nelson. She loves the “gorgeous” weather with sunny skies, as well as her view of the snowy mountains, and the ease of moving around from place to place.

After teaching last at an all-girls school, Ms Davidson is getting used to Nayland’s co-ed environment. Her initial impressions of the school are positive. “I think it’s a lovely school. I really like the fact that there seems to be a strong acceptance of diversity (...). There’s a friendly vibe about the place.”

When she’s not working, Ms Davidson enjoys movies, the theatre and walking with her two small dogs Hildegard and Winifred (Hildie and Winnie). After volunteering at the Tiritiri Matangi Island bird conservation project in Auckland, she says she would like to get involved in something similar here.