Hero video
Module 2 - Dyslexic Strengths
Video by Made By Dyslexia

Dyslexic Strengths

Nayland College —

Recent research indicates that as many as one in five children are dyslexic. This means the chance that your son/daughter knows or works beside someone dyslexic is high.

Dyslexic students are great problem solvers and out of the box thinkers. Many successful entrepreneurs are dyslexic and have found this out of the box thinking to be of benefit.

As a Microsoft showcase school, we continue to support our dyslexic students by using the learning tools offered in Office 365. It is proven that if we support dyslexic learners, other learners benefit also.

  • People with dyslexia can be highly creative, good problem-solvers, three-dimensional thinkers, innovators, and influencers—all valuable skills.
  • While reading, writing, and spelling can prove to be difficult for people with dyslexia, they are often fantastic storytellers and display strong verbal reasoning skills.
  • When it is appropriate, students with dyslexia benefit from showing their learning in ways that capitalize on their strengths. 
  • People with dyslexia can often solve complex problems and see patterns others don’t, which are skills sought after by Intelligence Agencies like Britain’s GCHQ. Watch video here.