Hero photograph
Future problem solvers put their heads together to come up with solutions.
Photo by Sera King

Problem solvers plan to avert future disaster

gifted and talented facilitator Glenis Paul —

On Friday 28th July Nayland College’s future problem solving journey began with a fantastic group of Year 10 students unpacking a future scenario focusing on the (hypothetical) spread of an infectious disease.

 Future problem solving is a challenging international programme that helps to shape confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners. The six-step process aims to teach and develop skills in students within the context of existing and emerging global and community issues in a creative, critical and ethical manner. 

The group will be meeting weekly this term to immerse themselves in deep learning as they research specific topics, identify underlying problems and then present solutions for futuristic scenarios. 

Important Notice: 

On Wednesday 8th August we are hosting the Inspire Ambition: Stretch and Challenge Day for years 7 - 10 students from the Upper South Island. 

This day is an opportunity to explore philosophy - the study of thinking and thinking about thinking. Students will leave the conference mind boggled and thinking! 

If you are interested in attending please talk to Ms. Paul ASAP or head to www.academyconferences.com for further information.