Cops with Cakes Saturday 27 February
NZ Police - January 29, 2021
Cops, Cakes, Food and Fun! The 'safe as' Expo on Saturday 27 February, 10.00am-1.00pm at Saxton Field. Emergency services displays, Cops Vs Kids games & races, free funfair, Copcakes & sausage sizzle for kids. Making our communities safer and happier places to live!
There is going to be so much more for kids this year! As well as a free sausage sizzle and Cop Cakes, there's free fun fair rides, loads of interesting and fun demonstrations, plus the Cops are challenging the kids in Cops V Kids fun races! Also, bring your bikes - My Ride will be there doing maintenance for free and Sport Tasman will be doing some quick and useful cycling courses!
For more information see the attached flyer or visit