Daniel Wilson — Nov 9, 2017

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking at our senior prizegiving.  It was a wonderful afternoon of celebration and made me extremely proud to be the principal of this fine school.  A summary of my speech is below:

After three years as the principal of Nayland College I can no longer use the phrase that I am the ‘new’ principal of the school or feign ignorance when it comes to decision making across the organisation. I think it has taken all of the past three years to truly understand the culture of this community and organisation – and I am proud to say that three years later I believe the school is moving positively in all key indicators of school and organisational success.

Nayland College has a strong vision, led by an exceptional board with an influential leader in our Board Chair, Pat Davidson (who unfortunately gives his apologies today). Our key indicators of student learning are rising; students are more punctual, attendance is steadily improving, student engagement across the board is obvious and our achievement rates continue to track in the right direction.  

We continue to have students representing the school Nationally and Internationally across almost all areas of learning, sport and arts – perhaps best personified by my student leaders:

Andre Castaing
Recently was selected for an International Youth Science Forum in London

Indigo Levett
Chosen for the NZ Young Shakespeare Company to travel to the Globe Theatre, also in London

Vika Pulaki
Has recently won two scholarships to Otago University

Sam Seelan
Member of the Nelson Giant’s development squad

All of them can add these achievements to their ever growing portfolio of experiences at Nayland College.

On top of all this our school is now Nationally recognised once again as a leader in digital technology for learning, for our successful implementation of the Positive Behaviour for Learning initiative and for our relational approaches to pastoral care.  Most importantly, I believe we have gained the true faith of our community, represented by the increasing number of students that are choosing Nayland College as their secondary school of choice.

Of course, the drivers of learning in the school are our amazing staff members. I would like to on behalf of all students and our community thank you all for the tireless work you to ensure our students achieve to their full potential. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the principals and leaders of our Kahui Ako – community of learning – in particular the support I have received from Broadgreen Intermediate principal and Lead principal of the Kahui Ako, Derek Lucic.   Derek is a valued colleague and is starting to make an impact in his new role that seeks to improve learning outcomes across the Stoke and Tahunanui district. 

So what does make Nayland College special? I believe the greatest gift we can give our students is that we believe in them. At Nayland College our staff are striving to ensure that students leave school with a passion, we want you to be addicted to learning, we want you to believe in yourselves and we do this through giving you opportunities and giving you time.

So today we celebrate the success of students that are well on their way to being creative contributors to society. We celebrate your perseverance, resilience and determination to achieve. I know that it is also a very nervous time as you prepare for external exams and I wish you all the best over the next few weeks.

Nga mihi nui

Daniel Wilson