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Otago graduate brings passion for people to his new role

Nayland College Official —

Nayland College has recruited some fantastic new teaching staff in 2021 and over the coming weeks we are going to get to know each of them a little more. Today we would like to introduce you to one of our new Science teachers Adam Crichton.

Where were you born and where did you grow up?

Born and raised in Upper Hutt (Wellington region).

Where else have you lived besides Nelson?

Dunedin for five years.

Why did you decide to be a teacher – and what drew towards becoming a Science teacher in particular?

Ever since I left school it has been a dream of mine to teach. I like the responsibility that comes with the job as well as the lifelong impact that it can have on student’s lives. I think this country needs good quality teaching for a thriving community and I want to be a part of that change. I particularly love teaching Psychology because students want and need to understand their minds so that they can be effective critical thinkers in our society.

Image by: Supplied

What do you like about teaching, and teaching at Nayland specifically?

I like being able to go home each day and feel inspired from what students have taught me. Each day I learn something new and exciting about the people around me – particularly in such a diverse school as Nayland. The teaching community at Nayland is unlike no other: Plenty of support, guidance, mentorship and fun. You can’t put a price tag on a quality work environment.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Where do I begin. I am very sporty – I play tennis, hockey, football and futsal. I also watch lots of sports. I also enjoy skiing, fishing and indoor games (video games and board games). I mostly enjoy other people and sharing in other people’s interests – so I’m always trying new things and giving new things a go.

What were you like as a student at school?

Up until college I was an ‘undesirable’ student to teach. But once I hit college I straightened out and got heavily involved in school and community. I was a school leader and was privileged to be Head Boy in my final year before heading off to university. I was a sporty and science-loving student.

What are your passions and areas of expertise?

My scientific passion is centred around how amazingly complex and magnificent the human body is architecturally designed. I love learning and teaching about the human body and particularly how medicine works. But my REAL passion is for people and helping people grow and develop into healthy individuals. When I was a young student I had adults/teachers who changed my life by just being positive influencers – so people are my real passion.

Who has inspired you on your own learning journey?

Mainly other teachers but friends and family too.

What are your ambitions for the future?

My personal skills and strengths are certainly in management and particularly managing people. I would therefore quite like to transition into senior leadership or a principal role later in my teaching career.

Describe yourself with three words:

Kind, enthusiastic, assertive

What did you do for a living before you became a teacher at Nayland College?

Studied Biomedical Sciences and a Master of Teaching and Learning at the University of Otago, whilst also managing a tutoring company. I’ve also worked in optics (dispensing optician).

If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be doing and why?

I like the aspect of managing businesses but for now I’m interested in management in an educational setting. I could also consider finishing off my studies in medicine and moving into Psychiatry/Paediatrics as these are fields of medicine that interest me a lot.

Give me one question to ask the next teacher we profile…

If you could have half an hour with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?