Sarah Luton — Nov 4, 2020

Year 12 student River Day was one of only seven chosen to decorate a cabinet in the region as part of Chorus's cabinet art initiative.

17 year old River Day was scrolling through Facebook when a pop up advertisement alerted him to the opportunity. Art being his favourite subject and all he really wants to do, he jumped at the opportunity figuring why not "try my luck?" After submitting his application along with over thirty other candidates, River was one of the talented few chosen to decorate a cabinet in the Tasman region as part of Chorus's cabinet art initiative.

This is the first time River has taken on something this big. When asked how he felt about the challenge of going bigger he replied, "I think I prefer it cos it's easier to get details."

River has chosen "art, art and art" at school this year. "It's the only subject I've liked," he said. "[I like] just the freedom really, cos you can just put down whatever's in your brain, just draw or paint."

Chorus's cabinet art initiative began in 2010 with a test pilot in Auckland to try to reduce the amount of vandalism they were experiencing on their telecommunications cabinets. It proved so successful that they extended it throughout the country and now complete on average 100 murals a year. The company say their programme is proving invaluable as a way to help promote a sense of community belonging, identity and pride while also helping to discourage anti-social behaviour. Artists are paid for the materials used as well as given a contribution for their time. 

In spite of rain seriously dampening his efforts, River has been hard at work this week adding beauty and colour to the Chorus cabinet at 98 Salisbury Road, Richmond. It has taken him three days so far and he is hoping the weather holds off to allow him to finish painting the kowhai branches with three tui before the end of the month. 

River sells his artwork at an arts and crafts market held monthly in the Richmond Baptist Church carpark. You can also view his artwork on either his Facebook page or Instagram page

The Waimea Weekly recently covered an article about River - click here to read their article.

Congratulations River and we can't wait to see the finished product!