Hero photograph
Photo by Rowan Taigel

Spotlight on Lateness

Rowan Taigel —

Being absent, late to school and late to class can have a significant impact upon a student’s chance of success at school.

The more learning a student misses, the more they miss out on Opportunities to make connections with their peers and teachers. This can have a huge impact not only on academic Success, but engagement and wellbeing too.

Teachers at Nayland College take a reciprocal approach to teaching and learning (Ako), providing opportunities for students to co-construct their learning together. Being late means a student may miss out on the chance to be involved in this process near the start of a lesson. Lateness also does not align with one of our other SOAR values - Respect

 Continual lateness can negatively impact upon a student’s relationship with their teachers. If a student is late to class, they miss taking part in the opening greetings and whānaungatanga, key instructions and feedback on previous work. This can cause a student to feel disconnected with their peers and if this continues, they can become disengaged with learning altogether.

Impact of Absence & Lateness — Image by: Rowan Taigel

Over the next two weeks, we are having a special focus on punctuality and attendance. We’d value your support in encouraging your students to be punctual to class, and wherever possible, making appointments, family visits etc out of school hours.

If your student is sick and can’t come to school, or will need to leave school during the day for an important medical appointment etc, please contact the school by one of the following 3 options only:

Phone: 03 5479769 (select option 1)

Email: away@nayland.school.nz

Or via the Nayland College Skool Loop app (available in the App Store and on Google Play)

Thank you for your support.