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Live reporting has gone live!

Nayland College —

Earlier this year we sent out an overview of the ways we will communicate around your child's learning and progress. As mentioned, this year we are moving to a system of live reporting.

Live reporting aims to keep you informed, in real time, of how your child is doing in their classes. Teachers will publish a minimum of one assessment grade plus a comment on your child's learning onto the parent portal each term. This means that you receive up to date information on what is happening for your child and the comments are timely. 

Comments may focus on effort and learning behaviours, progress made, key competencies or guidance on next steps. This replaces the previous 'end of term report' which used to be sent home at the end of term two. 

Feedback has suggested that when reports are sent in bulk at the end of term, issues of concern and feedback are too late for students to act upon. While we introduce this process you will receive an email from your child's class teacher letting you know that an 'assessment grade' and a feedback / feed forward comment is available to view on the parent portal. I encourage you to get into the habit of checking the parent portal regularly to keep up to date with your child's progress.

Attached here is an overview which was sent out to you in term one outlining all the ways we communicate with whānau through the year. 

Ngā mihi

Hannah Banks

Acting Principal (Term 2, 2021)