Xanthe Banks, Ruihia Pemberton and Tatiana Staples
Photo by Sarah Luton
Pōwhiri welcomes taonga into the kura
This week some precious taonga were welcomed into the kura with a pōwhiri. The recipients of the taonga carried them in with their whānau supporting with a waiata and whaikorero.
The taonga were the awards won by Xanthe Banks, Ruihia Pemberton, Tatiana Staples and Nayland College at the regional Ngā Manu Kōrero competition last month.
Ngā Manu Kōrero regional results:-
- Ruihia Pemberton – 1st in Senior English
- Xanthe Banks – 1st in Senior Māori
- Tatiana Staples – 2nd in Junior English
- Nayland College – Overall best kura
Good luck to Xanthe and Ruhia who will be competing at the nationals in Dunedin in September.