Nayland College Newsletter, 28 July 2023
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Nayland College
Phenomenal achievement at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Swimming Championships in Wellington last weekend. Brooke Swan won three national titles in the 50m, 100m and 200m Butterfly, along with Silver in the 100m individual medley.
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Tracey Winslade
Congratulations to 'The Bookaneers' who placed third!
This week some precious taonga were welcomed into the kura with a pōwhiri. The recipients of the taonga carried them in with their whānau supporting with a waiata and whaikorero.
Tracey Winslade, Librarian
Daniel Wilson
Please take note of some upcoming dates, including an early finish for Year 9-13 students on Friday 11 August as we welcome Year 8 students to our Nayland Experience Day.
Congratulations Kahu Sanson-Burnett and Maisie Lucas!
Ruth Buckland (Year 13, Student Leader)
Year 13 Ruth Buckland reports back on her time at BLAKE Inspire 2023.
Sarah Luton
Congratulations to Grace Brydon and her fellow 'Unspoken' dance troupe members who have qualifed for the Hip Hop Unite World Championships in Óbidos, Portugal in October this year.
Trudy Harvey
Calling all student writers! The Nayland College Book of Student Writing will be published again this year.
A reminder to parents and caregivers that if you are giving permission to sign students out during school, you will need to e-mail, use the SchoolBridge app or the office needs to sight a text message that we can verify is from you. Advanced warning reduces the time it takes to process your student's release from school and avoids having to ring while you are driving or the risk of getting to an appointment late. Thank you for your support.
Well done to Pūaha Te Tai kapa haka rōpu who put in so many hours preparing and rehearsing, and came third in the competition on Friday 14 July.
Ben Sheat
What a great start to the season for our 11 Nayland College teams competing in the Nelson basketball competitions. A special congratulations to Lucy Dawson who has been selected for the U15 National Basketball Tournament Team. Check out our mid-season newsletter by Head Coach Ben Sheat (link below).
Congratulations to Ashley Welsh who has had her first book published! You can buy a copy for $20 from the Business Centre or they are also available at Page and Blackmore, Natureland, and the Nelson Car Museum. Click on the link below to read more.
Andrea Hawkes
Career pathways in Forestry were explored on a day out at a working skid site and silviculture site
For prospective Year 9 IOS students. Come along and hear from past IOS graduates on Wednesday 16 August, 6pm - 7pm in the Nayland College gymnasium. Light supper provided.
Whanake Youth
We hope you enjoy the read of our newsletter.
Hannah Banks
2024 subject selection process is now underway. Here's how you can support your child in making important decisions about their courses and future pathways.
Kay Mackenzie
Musicians lit up the Boathouse on Wednesday 19 July with electrifying performances in a collaboration with Saint Andrew’s College on their tour of the ‘Top of the South.’
Over the past few weeks, Micah Dunn, Keshia Linyard and Tarn Bazley have each competed in multiple orienteering competitions - regional, South Island and even national level for Micah and Keshia.
Shellee Hall
At the end of last term, Nayland College students joined up with other Stoke-Tāhunanui schools for a special Kāhui Ako World Refugee Day event at Broadgreen Intermediate. The event was a remarkable display of compassion, unity, and cultural diversity, featuring captivating songs, dances, and speeches from various ethnicities.
There was some serious concentration at the Interschools Chess Tournament yesterday. Congratulations to Waimea College who placed 1st, Golden Bay High School who placed 2nd and to Nelson College who placed 3rd. Our two teams placed 5th and 6th. Well done to all students and what a great opportunity to get to know some other chess enthusiasts!
Nayland College Sport
Good luck to our Senior A Boys Basketball team! Head along to their games and cheer them on from the sidelines.🏀👏
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