Nelson Central School
Newsletter 24 February 2023
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou kātoa te whānau whānui o te Kura Pokapū o Whakatū –
Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School.
There have been two big events this week that have really highlighted our school uaratanga of whanaungatanga.
On Monday our School Picnic was a great way to connect with families from all parts of the school. Thank you to the team from the School Community Group for your work in rustling up support and help for the Central Challenge, coming up in May. Please add your name to the helpers list in our next newsletter.
Te Pouahi held their Noho Marae over Tuesday and Wednesday at Whakatū marae, and it was a real treat to see the tamariki learning, playing and discovering in Te Ao Māori in this very special setting. It was also great to connect with whanau, be it through the matua awhi or more formally in the runanga matua. Thanks to the kaiako and kaiawhina who made this event a great success.
In the classrooms teachers are busy building the same sense of family and connection so that all our learners feel that they are valued and belong.
Have a great weekend all,