by John O'Regan

Phones at school

As you will have heard, there are new rules brought in by the government around the use of phones at school, and the teaching of Reading, Writing and Maths.


While we have not had an issue with children using phones at school in the past, this is an opportune time to remind whānau that:

- If your child needs to bring a phone to school, they are not to use it during class or break times.

- We encourage children to hand their phone to their teacher at the start of the day for safe keeping.

- If you need to get a message to your child during the day, please call the office.

There will be community consultation this term as we further develop our policy around this requirement.

1 Hour a day of teaching Reading, Writing and Maths

This rule has come into effect at the start of this term. At this stage we do not see a major change to what we do as a school, as we feel that for the most part we already meet this requirement through our programmes. 

What will change will be how teachers record the incidental learning that happens throughout other curriculum areas. This won't look significantly different from the children's perspective as teachers are experts at integrating different areas of the curriculum to maximise learning.

This term we will be evaluating our current programmes and identifying any alterations that need to be made.