by John O'Regan

Structured Literacy in full swing

This year a big focus for our school is on teaching literacy based on a "Structured Literacy" approach, which has its foundations in the science of reading. This is using the iDeal platform in English Medium, and the Mahi by Mahi platform in Te Pouahi for te reo Māori learning. Te Pouahi kaiako are also using iDeal to support literacy learning in te reo Pakeha.

So far this year the key focus for staff has been to assess all learners to establish their starting point, identifying areas of strength and any gaps in learning.

Teachers have also been building their skills in delivering structured literacy lessons. One of the major goals is to ensure consistent practice across the school, so that children in year 1 have the same learning experience in year 6, and each stage builds on the other.

Image by: John O'Regan

Structured literacy is built on a clear scope and sequence (what children learn and in what order) so for many it may feel like going back to basics as gaps in learning are identified. This is okay, and an important part of ensuring that children have the knowledge they need to read and write effectively.