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Course: Nature and Nurture (NCEA L3 - Psychology)

Ange Fox / Kirsten Taylor —

Genetics and the environment; what makes us the way we are?


Semester Two

Subject Area(s)



By comparing two different approaches within the field of psychology, we will investigate what it is that makes us behave the way we do. We will cover the fields of biological and sociocultural psychology to try to find out how our genetic heritage and social environment interact. Then we will investigate several issues present in modern psychology, such as gender and cultural bias, and the use of children and animals in psychological research.


Having gained 14+ NCEA Level 2 credits in Psychology OR another literacy-heavy subject such as Biology, History, Media Studies, or English.

Being comfortable reading and writing to a high standard is essential.


There are 9x NCEA Level 3 credits, in total, available in a mixture of internally and externally assessed standards in this course.
AS 91872 (6 credits, internal) & AS 91876 (3 credits, external exam)

About the Teacher

Ange Fox / Kirsten Taylor
One spends the rest of their time teaching Science and the other is a Counsellor! With their powers combined, they are 2/5ths of the way to summoning Captain Planet.

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