Course: The interconnection of the New Zealand economy (NCEA L1 - Economics)
The aim of this course is to explore the sectors that make up the New Zealand economy and the interdependent relationship between them. In the course we will explore some economic events and explore how an event can impact on one sector and flow on to other sectors.
Term One
Subject Area(s)
The New Zealand economy is a system of mutual reliance (interdependence). All the groups in the New Zealand economy are connected. What happens when a business like Cadbury’s closes down it’s factory? Who is impacted and how? Why does a drought in Northland have an impact on a business in Auckland?
The aim of this course is to explore the sectors that make up the New Zealand economy and the interdependent relationship between them. In the course we will explore some economic events and explore how an event can impact on one sector and flow on to other sectors.
Learning in Economics is a blend of independent work and discussions. This means that you will need to not only complete tasks for feedback, but you will also use online tools and the video conference to discuss the choices made by consumers, producers and the government in response to economic events and the flow on effects of these choices using the economic models and your ideas. Full participation in all activities is required plus sharing both within online community and the face to face sessions.
This is a NCEA Level 1 course which means that you will be assessed under the following standards.
90988 Demonstrate understanding of the interdependence of sectors of the New Zealand economy. (Internal) (3 credits)
About the Teacher
Marina Krijgsman teaches Economics, Accounting and Mathematics at Rangiora New LIfe School. She has taught Level 1 Economics for NetNZ for the last six years. Marina is passionate about learning and her family. She spends most of her time outside of teaching enjoying her children’s pursuits on the football field and in their other interests.