NetNZ — May 19, 2019

NetNZ continues to develop and evolve with our member schools, and emerging educational developments. We have a number of key areas to focus on in the immediate and long term future.

Connected Learning

Enabling a connected approach to learning. A connected approach recognises the importance of the human element in learning and uses technology to support this.

Curriculum Development

Develop a relevant, flexible and accessible curriculum

National Network of Expertise (NEX)

Develop a national network of teachers committed to developing their expertise in online teaching and learning.

Never been done in this environment.

NetNZ Education Insitute

Arm of NetNZ tasked with implementing a research-based approach to developing knowledge in the field of online learning. PLD Provider.

Environmental Development

Develop online environments to support a connected approach to learning

Effecting Change at a National Level

Develop strategies to effect change at a national level. How can we normalise online learning and spread the adoption of a networked approach to schooling / education?

NetNZ Commercial

We are currently exploring the development of a  more commercial aspect to NetNZ that would enable sustainable revenue streams while not compromising the core activities of NetNZ Ltd (which is to support our members). The 'Gateway' mentioned above would form a key part of this and enable easy access to a broad range of learning opportunities, including adult and community learning, international programmes, business support, mentoring, and more. We will keep members informed as this develops this year.