Darren Sudlow — Sep 6, 2019

The aim of this course is to develop skills and knowledge that will lead either directly into the workforce, or act as a curriculum bridge between secondary and tertiary education, in the hospitality/health industry.

Students will have the opportunity of attending the “NZ Food Show” in Auckland ( to be confirmed) where they will work alongside a large local business.

Topics covered include:

  1. Basic characteristics and composition of nutrient types and their significance.

  2. Use of nutrients in the body in accordance with nutritional guidelines.

  3. Identifying dietary requirements of people with differing needs.

  4. Developing a range of menus to suit particular dietary requirements.

  5. Researching a wide range of culinary products and terms.


Basic computer skills, basic knowledge of food groups and culinary terms, level 2 hospitality, this course is designed for Level 3 students only.

Students will need daily computer and internet access both at school and at home. If students do not have computer access at home they will need to plan extra school hours to complete the

coursework for research purposes in US 18497. (Note: As these booklets are issued by Hospitality Services Institute (HSI), there will be a cost to them, however they can be covered through STAR funding). The eDean will be responsible for the ordering of the books.

US 13343 - $20.50

US 18497 - $32.00 plus postage.


Throughout the year there will be an opportunity of sitting two internal assessment standards. The course offers 13 credits.