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Course: Pompeii - uncovering the secrets within. (NCEA L2 - Classical Studies)

Vicky Collins —

This course will analyse and study some of the primary evidence that the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79 AD has provided us with. The artifacts that remain provide us with a fascinating insight into daily life in ancient Rome.


Term 3

Subject Area(s)

Classical Studies


During the process of this course we will analyse some archaeological evidence from the excavated site of the ancient town of Pompeii located in modern day Italy. Through the study of ancient coins, art works, buildings and the plaster casts of bodies themselves students will gain an understanding of what daily life was like in an ancient Roman holiday town. Social, political and religious aspects of this early civilization are explored to gain a thorough understanding of the significance and impact of the deadly volcanic eruption of Mt Vesuvius.


Anyone wanting to take this course will need to fully participate in ongoing online discussion, whether through social media type platforms or in the video conference. Independent reading and participation in group related learning platforms are a vital component of this course.


This course is liked to 2 NCEA assessments.
Classical Studies 2.2
Examine the significance of features of work(s) of art in the classical world (external)
Classical Studies 2.3
Demonstrate understanding of a significant event in the classical world

About the Teacher

Vicky Collins has been teaching Classical Studies for 13 years with 2019 being the first year teaching it online. Vicky is passionate about the Ancient World, with particular interest in the art and architecture of Ancient Rome. Vicky had the pleasure of taking 27 students to Italy and Turkey on a Classics and History trip 3 years ago, and considers this a real privilege to have been involved with.

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