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Looking Ahead: Strategic Directions 2020 and Beyond

NetNZ —

NetNZ continues to develop and evolve with our member schools, and emerging educational developments. We have a number of key areas to focus on in the immediate and long term future.

Develop a high quality, connected learning environment

NetNZ has an approach to learning that is grounded in what the evidence guides as effective online. We have taken these ideas and set them as guiding principles. For example Whanaungatanga, or a sense of belonging, development of relationships, connections is a key aspect. The research shows that without this many learners will struggle online. It becomes a disconnected environment, in which the 'human' elements are missing. We do not develop self-paced, prepackaged courses in which learners work through weeks of structured content. Courses operate on a cycle of learning in which everyone remains accountable to each other, and learning moves with and is designed with, the learner.

Over the next three years we will develop further coherence across all programmes so that these guiding principles remain embedded in all we do. This will involve a number of initiatives

  • Development of fully unpacked pedagogical framework that will guide teacher (and learner) practice
  • A Micro-credentialing system that will guide teacher development. Lead by Emeritus Professor Kwok Wing Lai. 
  • Continued development of NEX as a nationwide network that supports communities of practice
  • Development of the NetNZ Institute to support a research-based approach and co-ordinate PLD / Support Micro-Credentialing
  • Expand and develop knowledge building practice
  • Develop a full and ongoing database of high quality teaching options

Curriculum Development

Develop a relevant, flexible and accessible curriculum that supports multiple learner pathways and different school approaches

  • Continue to develop a modular approach 
  • Diversify programmes to reflect an evolving educational environment at a national and international level. This will ensure we continue to meet all our member's needs

Infrastructure Development

Develop online environments to support a connected approach to learning

  • Have an SMS  that supports our educational intent in place by 2021
  • Release the first iteration of 'Journey', a central online environment for enabling wide access to current and future programmes. We will continue this development with further iterations released in 2021 and beyond
  • Prototype and develop environments that support learner development
  • Support the shift to Google Currents or a similar connected environment. Develop greater coherence across all programmes so there is far less variation in what environment is used. Centralise all programme hubs so connections can be developed

Strategic Organisational and Commercial Development

  • Restructure NetNZ executive to enable diversification of operations. Ken to move the majority of his time into developing our commercial environment with Darren overseeing NetNZ operations. 
  • Support the development of an Educational Lead Team from within NetNZ staff
  • Explore the organisational structures that will drive forward 'Journey' and establish an environment for anywhere learning across multiple markets (Adult, Home School, International, etc.)

Effecting Change at a National Level

Covid-19 has highlighted the importance of embedding a networked schools model into our educational system at all levels. We now have ongoing engagement with the Ministry of Education on the future of the Virtual Learning Network Community and its place in our educational system. We have a number of key focus areas

  • Develop an identifiable Pedagogical Framework that unpacks our model
  • Create a clear pedagogically based value proposition that develops MOE understanding
  • Work with key influencers to ensure the system wide benefits of the Networked Schools Model are clearly understood by the MOE and Government