Marjorie Juhel — Aug 22, 2019

The aim of this course is to support students in developing the ability to understand and produce more complex language.


Semester 1

Subject Area(s)



In semester 1, students will be reinforcing and extending on previous knowledge acquired in Year 9 and 10. They will be focusing on describing themselves but extending beyond the immediate context by talking about others around them (friends, family etc) and also by talking about what their plans are for the future.

This course is intended to be a full year course; however, it is divided into two semesters. Students completing semester two will need to have completed semester one first. It is assumed that students who enrol in this class will have learnt French in Year 9 and 10 or have acquired a similar level of French by travelling or learning French out of school. 

The main topics studied in Semester 1 are the following:

· Revisions on personal descriptions, family, school and leisure activities

· Talking about household chores and how frequently we do them

· Talking about daily routines

· Talking about future events and projects such as plans for a holiday

.  Buying food and drink using prices and quantities

Requirements and Resources

This course is not a beginner’s course and students are expected to have learnt French in Yr 9 and 10 or have an equivalent level of language than students of these levels.

This course is structured on a fortnightly basis and students are expected to complete their work in a timely manner. Attendance to online lessons (once a week) is compulsory and all absences should be explained.

This course is largely web-based and students will need permanent access to a computer and the Internet. During their French study periods, the students should have access to a room where they can work with minimal disruption.

Tapis Volant 2 (3rd edition) is our textbook for the year. This is a great resource and very well suited for distance learning as it has a strong focus on digital resources. I will send each of the students a workbook which will include a login to the Tapis Volant website. This is where students will find the audio files to complete their exercises but also some grammar lessons and a variety of activities. The workbook also comes with a DVD where students will access videos and mini-stories.

All Level 1 French VC students also receive a membership to the Education Perfect website, a New Zealand made product that will help them learning the prescribed vocabulary before the end of year examinations.


Students who enter this course will be expected to choose at least one (but no more than 2) of the following internal assessments to complete during Semester 1.


Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates a personal response.


Interact using spoken French to communicate personal information, ideas and opinions in different situations.


Write a variety of text types in French on a areas of most immediate relevance

Please note that students who intend to study French in Semester 2 will be invited to discuss what standards are better suited for assessment in Semester 1 and which ones are better suited for Semester 2.

About the Teacher

Marjorie Juhel is a French born citizen who traveled to many countries including Senegal and Canada before settling in New Zealand. She became a French teacher in 2007 and has since then been teaching French from Year 7 to 13 at Darfield High School. She has also been teaching NetNZ students for many years and enjoys the flexibility of online learning.

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