Business Focus: Ensure continued growth, sustainability and innovation
It is vital that the 'network of schools' model of online provision of learning continues to build and grow from this point onward. We have a number of key priorities to ensure this happens.
We need to raise both internal and external levels of participation in online learning with NetNZ. There is an important educational motivation to this that rests in our vision - in order to prepare students for the world they live in we need to expose as many of them as possible to a ‘connected’ learning experience. NetNZ does not currently receive any direct funding from the Ministry of Education so participation also ensures NetNZ remains viable by developing our core operational funding - greater levels of participation makes us financially sustainable.
The repeal of the legislation enabling Communities of Online Learning means a slight shifting in focus and engagement in a new process in ensuring an equitable environment for online learning in this country. The Labour government submission process hinted at this as a possible future so it is important that we engage with key players over 2017 and 2018. This needs to be a goal all members of NetNZ share and actively participate in.
We continue to feel there is an opportunity to move into the international market and form NetNZ International. It is important we innovate and lead in this environment, realise our vision of learning in a connected world and develop a potential source of revenue. The board supports this is an area of innovation that is worth investing so we will decide what form this takes mid 2018.
We originally wanted to explore NetNZ as a co-operative company. Do we re examine that possibility? It is a far better fit in term of vision and values than a limited liability company.
What other revenue streams should we be exploring? We need to think outside the box and ensure that we do not have to solely rely on our core funding.