Welcome to the NetNZ Annual Report for 2019. We have collected a series of articles that include messages from the board and executive, summaries of activities, and articles that help tell the story of 2019 and beyond.

Access our full Performance Report for 2019 here. This will include all financial information.

Further information on NetNZ can be found here at our website 

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  1. Video: Summary Highlights 2019

    NetNZ continues to mature as an organisation and this is reflected in a number of highlights in 2019 Read more…
  2. Video: Board Chair Report

    NetNZ Board Chair, Michael Campbell, summarises the year from a board perspective Read more…
  3. Looking Ahead: Strategic Directions 2020 and Beyond

    NetNZ continues to develop and evolve with our member schools, and emerging educational developments. We have a number of key areas to ... Read more…

  5. Board of Directors

    The NetNZ board is a diverse group of elected trustees and co-opted experts who together provide strong leadership and governance. Read more…
  6. Celebrating 25 years of the Virtual Learning Network Community

    Believe it or not, the Virtual Learning Network Community is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Read more…
  7. Video: Relationships and Learning

    How can we work together as eDeans and eTeachers to enable each student to build the skills and dispositions that allows them to be a ... Read more…
  8. Experiences of a NetNZ student: Madison

    Madison Perrie, a NetNZ student who studied Level 2 Classics and Level 2 & 3 Art History tell us about her NetNZ experience Read more…
  9. Problems of practice

    How can community be developed in the online space and how can authentic learning be captured? Read more…
  10. Openly Networked: Foster Engagement

    As part of my goal of fostering engagement within my NetNZ Senior Social Studies program I invited Sophie Handford, the former Kāpiti ... Read more…
  11. Video: Knowledge Building Webinar

    A recording of the workshop to introduce knowledge building Read more…
  12. Opinion: Our Schooling Futures

    With all the publicity, debate and discourse on the Schooling Future report and recommendations, I find myself once again returning to ... Read more…
  13. NEX Southern Regional Hui Summary

    Held over two days at Salmond College in Dunedin the NEX Southern Regional Hui, 40 teachers from across the South Island (and a couple ... Read more…
  14. Video: UC Science Outreach: Local Research, Big Science

    Local research, BIG science! will engage local communities, schools and families throughout New Zealand to undertake collaborative ... Read more…
  15. What is NetNZ?

    NetNZ is a community of schools from across New Zealand who work together to provide online learning opportunities for their students ... Read more…