This publication collates all the articles we have published relevant to the "Our Schooling Futures..." proposal. We aim to inform interested stakeholders on the possible role technology has to play in enabling a national network of provision and connection for our learners. 

  1. Opinion: Our Schooling Futures

    With all the publicity, debate and discourse on the Schooling Future report and recommendations, I find myself once again returning to ... Read more…
  2. Announcing a new Network of Expertise for online teachers

    Tūhononga o ngā tangata mōhio ipurangi - Building capability in online learning and teaching through Networks of Expertise (NEX) Read more…
  3. Student Stories: Getting closer to my dream

    Hello, my name is Hope Sole, and I’m year 12 student at Taradale High school Read more…
  4. Student Stories - Following my passion

    Eilish tells us about her experience in taking Beginner's Korean in 2018. Read more…
  5. Student Stories: Learning online for learning sake

    Mary, a student from Logan Park High School tells us about the experience of learning Korean online. Read more…
  6. Student Perspective: Putting ideas into action

    My name is Amanda Voice, I’m a year 10 student at Maniototo Area School taking pre-NCEA Korean through NetNZ.  Read more…
  7. Student Perspective: Going at my own pace

    I am a student at Marlborough Girls' College who is taking L1 Japanese online through NetNZ in 2017 Read more…
  8. Video: A view from our Neighbours

    In 2016 we had ongoing discussions and engagement with an emerging network of schools in Western Australia Read more…
  9. Video: An eDean Perspective: Supporting students as they learn online

    NetNZ online students are fortunate to have an eDean in their schools to support them with their learning. Read more…
  10. Student View: NetNZ and Me

    Kia ora my name is Oak. I am a year 11 homeschooler, and this is my first year studying with NetNZ online, I am enrolled in NetNZ’s ... Read more…
  11. Online provision - meeting a range of learner needs

    How can online educational provision improve education outcomes for children and young people at risk of disengaging or in need of ... Read more…
  12. Educational Focus: Develop a connected learning experience across all programmes

    This is a key educational driver for the board, executive and staff. Read more…
  13. Teacher Supply and Networks of Learning

    The emerging issue of teacher supply in many regions of New Zealand has been well documented over the past year and the various ... Read more…
  14. What the Research Says

    Earlier this year, Professor Kwok-Wing Lai, of the University of Otago completed academic research on the pedagogical practices of ... Read more…
  15. Project Based Learning Opportunity - QuakeCraft

    NetNZ and the QuakeCraft team are partnering to implement a blended programme for year 10s across rural New Zealand. Read more…
  16. Video: Industry Partnership: Computer Science with Datacom

    Trevor Storr talks about his L3 Computer Science course in 2016, run in partnership with tech giant, Datacom Read more…
  17. Grass Roots Initiative: Deep Support

    In 2016 we received funding from the Grass Roots Initiative which has enabled us to form a community of practice focused on exploring ... Read more…
  18. Why networked learning? Looking beyond curriculum

    If we are to prepare our learners for an ever changing world we need to see online learning as more than a bolt on to our local curriculum Read more…
  19. Future Opportunities: How could we organise online learning?

    The growing numbers in our programmes means we need to think about how online classes should be organised to fully realise what the ... Read more…
  20. 'Connected'

    Approaches to online learning vary, but NetNZ is slowly developing a particular flavour of online learning that is ‘connected’.  Read more…
  21. Community and Communities

    NetNZ teachers are free to use whatever platform they choose to develop an online hub for their course, but we do aim to develop a ... Read more…
  22. How does it work?

    Programmes usually consist of 10-20 ākonga from 5-12 different kura across New Zealand. Read more…
  23. What is NetNZ?

    NetNZ is a community of schools from across New Zealand who work together to provide online learning opportunities for their students ... Read more…