Hero photograph
Te Ao Mārama winners
Photo by Leanne Stubbing

Wacky Hair Day

Kayla Komouthaphong & Arlo Clark —

Fridays are for having fun.

Last Friday’s event was ‘Wacky Hair Day’. Students had the opportunity to style their hair in a crazy, weird, and most importantly wacky way! Students thought way outside the box which astonished the audience.

 In all four syndicates, there was a competition to see who's hair was the most creative. Prizes were distributed for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Surprisingly, the competition was a close call, however in the end the judges, (teachers), had to pick which styles dazzled them the most.

The results stand as is:

Image by: Leanne Stubbing

Because of ‘Wacky Hair Day’, last Friday was truly wack. Here at NIS, we can't wait for next time!