Hero photograph
Photo by Louise Moncrieff

BYOD (Bring Your Own Dog)

Tabby, Xavier, Jorja, Lucy, Madison and Tilly. —

Dogs are the new device on Friday’s

Murphy, Roxy, Rabbit, Coco, Macy and Rocket - the canine crew who come to school on Fridays. These furballs are our resident dogs and we love having them around. Xavier tells us, “Having a dog can relieve stress in some students. You can have a lot of fun with a dog, and you can dress it up.”

Murphy is a Border Collie. Tabby shares “Murphy spends the day in room 11 and he seems to do a lot of laying down and resting. He can do some pretty cool tricks though like sitting and shaking your hand. This is usually when he is after a treat. It’s good to have a dog in the classroom because it gives us responsibility like feeding and walking him. Murphy gives you cuddles and he lets you pat him. It’s nice to go on walks with him.”

Jorja looks out for Macy on Fridays in room 13. Macy is a foxy mini schnauzer. Jorja says “Macy follows me around just for attention and she is a very smart dog. She is so energetic and can walk on her hind legs. Macy is 7 and she is such a faaaaaaaaast runner. I think having a dog brings the classroom energy up a bit.’’

In room 9, Lucy, Madison and Tilly look after Roxy. “She loves her ball. It’s always in her mouth. You can’t distract her with treats. Shake the treats in front of her face - no interest! She is a schnauzer and is very energetic. It’s very relaxing having a dog in class and it helps kids who need to learn. She is a nice form of exercise and walking Roxy is fun.”