Shubhanyu Chandra — Jun 27, 2023

A few weeks ago, our school had the privilege of seeing a famous percussion band called Strike perform. Known for their creative use of instruments and music, three members of strike came to perform for our school. First of all, the two guys played a super quick and loud drum solo on drums that they had erected upon scaffolding. It was explained that the reason the drums were above were so that we could see their hands movements which created an entertaining visual sight. Truly, it was. And the drum playing was so loud and fast, they made it look like it was the easiest thing to do but it probably took a lot of practice.

After that all three members played a song about a tropical rainstorm in a rain forest. At first it start very bland, loud and singular with all of them playing the same tune. Gradually, they all started playing different tunes on their instruments all of which together created a melody reminiscent of a Madrigal piece, in which everybody sings and plays a different melody to create a pleasing effect.

Once that was done, the members asked us to pick our two favourite teachers for them to come on stage to play a drum piece of sorts. After a lot of general pointing and shouting Mr Dan Miller of Room 7 and Whaea Tia Parker of Room 14. They first of all just made the two teachers beat drumsticks against a drum at their designated numbers but later on they made the teachers do drum solos. By general opinion and volume of shooting Whaea Tia won.

After that, the Strike members called on students to play these Samoan drums called Pate at the very top. That was a rather fun experience.

After yet another fast piece, Strike proved to us their immense creativity. Using a bunch of wire, a few tools here and there, and their own water bottles, they played a beautiful piece, one that was amusing to watch too. How one can play beautifully on a water bottle, I have no idea but Strike was certainly good at it.

If I were to draw a general poll, I bet that the piece that came next would probably be most people's favourite piece. The Strike members took out these lights of sorts and lit them on fire! Then using them and blowing the fire around, they played this cool brilliant piece. While the music wasn't as good as most of the others, the visual sight made up for it in scoops and spades. Obviously, they warned us not to try this at home, something which incited much laughter.

Overall, I think that the Strike performance was entertaining, funny, and worth the watch. I am ever grateful for the opportunity to see them in person and I am sure that so is everybody else in the school.