Noku Te Ao — Jun 12, 2020

Ko tēnei te whakamaumahara ki a koutou o ngā wā o Nōku Te Ao.

Just a reminder to whānau about keeping to our legal hours to have tamariki in the centres - we are licensed from 8am to 5pm at the Mairehau centre and are open 8am to 3pm at the Te Pā centre. We are not legally allowed tamariki, other than those who are the kaiako's tamariki, in the centres before 8am or after 5pm or 3pm, depending on the centre.

Before 8am is a time for kaiako to set up the centre and to kōrero about any planning or about any confidential information regarding specific tamariki before whānau come in. Please respect this time as kaiako-only time.

Ngā mihi.