Noku Te Ao — Sep 3, 2020

Have you activated your Contentment Foundation App?

The Contentment Foundation is an online programme that helps people to understand their emotional reactions better and helps to find better strategies rather than stressing out.

Currently the kaiako are still working through the programme - there are four pillars to work through - and we will be looking at the curriculum of Contentment to roll out with the tamariki in 2021. We have all really enjoyed this process; it encourages us to stop and take a breath and creates the space to find the calm in the middle of the storm. Very handy in today's world!

If we can give our tamariki the tools to be aware of themselves and their emotions and learn how to be resilient and have strategies to deal with whatever life throws at them successfully then they will be way ahead of the game! We know that we live in a country that has suicide rates amongst the highest in the world, with Māori youth noted as the most vulnerable, so we need to be pro-active and do something about it - doing a course on how to find contentment is a no-brainer.

The Contentment Families app features:

Over the next few weeks you will receive an email to sign up for the Contentment App on your mobile phone - follow the instructions and you'll be on your way!