Noku Te Ao — Aug 24, 2020

Kia ora te whānau! He wero tēnei!

Mō te marama o Mahuru, ka kōrero a Nōku Te Ao i roto i te reo Māori anake! Tautokohia mai ki a mātou; ā te wā kei kōnei koe, me kōrero i te reo Māori hoki - ahakoa he iti - kōrerotia ki a mātou katoa.

He wero tēnei! - For the month of September Nōku Te Ao is a Kōrero Māori-only zone. All kaiako will be using te reo Māori anake (and a lot of charades as well!) for the entire month(and hopefully beyond).

We are an immersion Māori centre, and this does tend to ebb and flow depending on the skill level of the kaiako present. At the moment, we do have enough reo Māori speaking kaiako in the centre to be fully immersed, but some of us need a jump-start (and to stop being so whakamā). Soooooo, this is the wero for the marama (a bit like Movember, but without us wāhine having to grow our whiskers).

To help encourage the beautiful kōrero we will also be having mini-wero over the month with some awesome prizes!

Āna! Help us to help your tamariki learn our beautiful language and make it normal.

Ngā mihi.