Hero photograph
Photo by Noku Te Ao

Ngā mihi

Noku Te Ao —

He mihi manawanui ki a koutou katoa i te wā nei!

He mihi arohanui ki te tiamana o Nōku Te Ao Charitable Trust, ko Gayle Brislane, kua hinga tona kuia. Haere rā e kui.

He mihi arohanui ki te whānau Te Hae i tēnei wā pouri. 

Āpiti hono, tātai hono, te hunga mate ki te hunga mate, āpiti hono tātai hono, te hunga ora ki te hunga ora.

Rā whānau ki a Tahlia-Rose Sutton, (4), Rongo Whakaata Tiopira, (3), Bailey-Wairua Pene-Tuki, (4), Atarangi Chettle, (1), Kayden Te Amo-Fransen, (3), Kayan Papuni-Bhandari, (3) & Everest Te Moana-John, (3). He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!

(Please remember if your tamaiti has turned 3 to get in touch if you are going to apply for the 20 Free hours scheme from the Ministry of Education. There are forms to sign and then we can implement it.)

Hari huritau ki a Whaea Kristy! We all hope you had a lovely birthday during lockdown and got some you time! xxxxx

Rā whānau ki a Gayle Brislane! Congratulations-you have successfully completed a 365 day journey on a rock rotating at 1610 km/h around a gas ball at 107,278.87 km/h! Happy birthday e hoa xx