Ka Au Kahuraki
Noku Te Ao - June 1, 2022
Kā Au Kahuraki is a community co-designed, targeted prevention and early intervention approach. It is aimed at reducing harm from crime, engaging tamariki in early childhood education and whānau and families with health and social services. The project is jointly led by the Ministry of Education and NZ Police and supported by partners from the local community, non-government organisations, iwi and other government agencies. To date the approach has focussed on Linwood East Christchurch and has delivered benefits across education, health, child wellbeing, and has supported safer communities with increased protective factors, resilience, and social capital. They run online courses in cooking, gardening, cleaning which are available to all whānau here on the east. If you are interested in any of these classes, please either let me (Dy) know or contact Aleni directly via email: alenic@omwwl.maori.nz