Hero photograph
Photo by Noku Te Ao

Kei te māuiui to tamaiti?

Noku Te Ao —

Just a reminder that if you or your tamaiti are sick, stay home.

The Ministry of Health recommendations are that is you or your tamaiti are feeling unwell, have a runny nose, a cough, a temperature or shortness of breath then stay home and ring the Healthline for more information on what is best to do next - 0800 611 116. If your tamaiti does get any of the above symptoms at Nōku te Ao, we will ring you to come get your tamaiti as soon as you can. Our policies ask that sick tamariki be collected within half an hour of you being contacted.

Sending tamariki home is not something we do lightly, but we are also aware that when tamariki are not themselves something may be wrong that needs a doctor's experienced opinion. We often hear mātua say that their tamaiti was fine when they went home, which is often the case, but tamariki's immune systems are developing and they can go from seeming to be sick to being well in a very short period of time and then back to being ill when whatever the virus is kicks up again. Annoying yes, but we have to advocate for the tamaiti and go with what is presented at the time we see it. 

A reminder that any vomiting or diarrhea requires 48 hours away from the centre from the last bout as per the Ministry of Health regulations.

Also important - make sure your contact details and tamaiti's immunisation details are up to date.

Ngā mihi.