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Nōku Te Ao

by Noku Te Ao

He aha te mahi o to koutou tamariki ia rā, ia rā ki Nōku Te Ao?

Noku Te Ao - June 12, 2020

Te nuinga o te mahi kei ngā whare kohungahunga, me e kite ana koutou ētahi mea iti kei roto i ngā pūkohi. Ka pēhea mātou e whakaatu ana te nuinga o ngā mea ki a koutou?

The meme is funny, but one of our matua has expressed a desire to see more of what happens at Nōku Te Ao on a daily basis and we would really love to be able to show you all that we do. So many amazing things go on in the centres that never really gets seen, except in individual pūkohi. We have discussed this in our hui kaimahi and then decided to put the patai out to you all. How do we share the daily goings on with you all on a regular basis? We do have the Facebook Whānau page; but some of our mātua have already told us they are concerned about the security of images online, especially on a social media platform. 

We used to take photos on one camera and then put the SD card in the big TV in the centre to run through a slideshow when mātua were picking up at the end of the day - the cons for that were it was time-consuming and a lot of whānau never saw them because they didn't do the pick up. And those that did were often in a hurry to get home and make tea.

Putting this out there to you all - if you have a bright whakaaro to solve this for us, please let us know - email me on or ring either me on 0273293936 or the Mairehau centre on 03 385-6570 or the Nōku te Ao ki Te Pā centre on 03 420-2009. 

Kōrero mai whānau.