Hero photograph
Photo by Noku Te Ao

Nau mai, hoki mai ki Nōku te Ao 2020!

Noku Te Ao —

Okay, so yes, we are already in the second month of 2020 and should probably be getting on with it and past the welcome back stage but...my January plans got railroaded so I am playing catch up which means settling into 2020 is taking a little longer. Just bear with me..🙃

We have an awesome year planned for our whānau with lots of fun haerenga and really amazing kaupapa to teach and learn.

We start off with looking at Tautahi, the Ngai Tahu rangatira after whom our city is named. Did you know...The area now defined as Christchurch city was named as Tautahi’s special territory. The full name is Te Whenua o Te Potiki-Tautahi, this was later shortened to Ō Te Potiki Tautahi and then shortened further to Ōtautahi.

We will follow his footsteps and learn about his deeds, especially his prowess with mahinga kai and trading. This leads us nicely into the types of kai that were available to Tautahi and we will learn about the different species of manu, ika, tuna etc.

Our main annual goal this year is to increase the te reo Māori spoken in the centres. The kaiako will be participating in PLD with the MInistry of Education initiative - Whakapiki i Te Reo and we will be organising whānau wānanga with te reo Māori as the kaupapa. Key to encouraging our tamariki to kōrero i te reo Māori is our poutama, which we use to track progress in te reo and tikanga Māori. The poutama is not just for the tamariki it is for the whole whānau - if you would like us to add you to it please just let us know 🙂

If you have some suggestions for our kaupapa, or would like more information about what we are doing, maybe join us for a haerenga or an activity please do not hesitate to contact one of us.

Now on with the pānui!