Hero photograph
Photo by Consulate General of Canada Representative

Snow day like today to plan and explore the opportunities to travel & work in Canada. 🇨🇦

Consulate General of Canada Representative —

Maybe working and travelling for an extended period in another country seems unattainable, or perhaps it is something you have seen people do but are not sure where to start.

For youth aged 18 to 35, it is actually easier than it seems through the Government of Canada’s International Experience Canada (IEC).

Whilst there are different criteria, requirements and duration depending on your country of citizenship, New Zealand citizens can stay up to 23 months in Canada on a working holiday.

Whether it is to take a gap year, complete a co-op/internship abroad, or gain international work experience after graduation, IEC can help make these experiences happen.

So colour your life with the leaves of fall and plan your OE to Canada!

For more information, head to the Consulate General of Canada page at the NZ Careers Digital Expo: https://www.careersexpo.org.nz/exhibitors/consulate-general-of-canada

Image by: Consulate General of Canada Representative