NZ Careers Expo — Feb 25, 2021

With the world of training & employment all changing so rapidly in 2021, it can be overwhelming to look at career options and truly know where we fit in or what would work for us long term.

Do I want to work with a variety of people?

Do I want to work in a job where I am creating or problem-solving day-today?

Do I want to work in the outdoors?

You don't need to know exactly what kind of career you are wanting to get into, or where you would like to study to get started on your journey.

What you DO need is somewhere to get fresh, Aotearoa-focused ideas with people who are there to have face-to-face conversations about possibilities and options - whether you are looking to study or start work or anything in between.

Their job is to inspire you - all you need to do is turn up with an open mind and see if there's an opportunity that excites you.

We know that the landscape has changed in the last decade, and sometimes the people we turn to in our wider networks are unsure of what is now available and what would work best for our skillset, needs and personality types. 

Even training has changed, so knowing what the options are and why they work for certain people is crucial.

Join us at the NZ Careers Expo and check out our website for updates

There are 5 locations in 2021:
Auckland - Hamilton - Wellington - Christchurch - Dunedin

Learn more here!