Leaving School — May 13, 2021

Here's a quick run through (super important to cut down on admin 😀 )

You used to have to visit a photo store to get a photo to get RealMe® verified.  Now you don’t even need to leave your chair (or couch…or bed…).

Most people can now complete their full application online. That’s thanks to the new ‘Web Photo Capture’ technology. All you need is a NZ Passport or Citizenship Certificate, and a device that has a camera and compatible web browser. 


  1. Take a selfie. 
  2. Do a liveness check to prove you’re a real person – like shake, blink and nod. 
  3. Then a quick upload and it’s done! 


Getting a RealMe® verified ID is the quick way to cut out that pain-in-the-butt paperwork involved in applying for your StudyLink student loan funding. But wait, there’s more! You can also use RealMe® Verified to enrol in a growing number of tertiary institutions, open a new bank account – and even enrol to vote in this year’s elections. 


RealMe enables you to login safely and securely to a growing range of services, such as renewing your passport or updating your electoral roll information – think of it as a key.

RealMe® Verified is your high-level online ID. It enables you to prove to others that you really are who you say you are. For example, when banks, government agencies etc ask for a high-level form of ID. It’s as good as a passport and better than a driver’s licence to prove your identity. 

BUT I CAN USE MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT TO LOG INTO LOTS OF SITES… Yeah, that’s right – for routine stuff where there is less worry about fraud or identity theft. But many services are now stepping away from allowing people to use their social media accounts to quickly login – they’re asking for a secure, trusted, high-level proof of identity. AND ANOTHER INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT THING The information about yourself that you give to set up RealMe® and RealMe® Verified is not shared with anyone. You own that information. You can trust that it is held at the highest level of security. 

It only gets used with your consent, to provide high-level ID for something as important as…StudyLink! For more information on 

Image by: Stuart Dillon-Roberts (Hail)

Credit: www.leavingschool.co.nz